Underground Cult
"The brooch is back" exhibition by Transport for London and Craft Central.
The design depicts a portion of the underground map, focusing on the zone 1 perimeter where most of London's renown core cultural heritage entities are located [Barbican, High St. Kensington, the South Bank...]. It also represents an emblem for Farringdon station particularly, which is marked by three studs.
Its shape is in homage to the iconic Transport for London roundel logo, while the style borrows recognizable elements characteristic of art movements popular at the time when the original map was conceived; hence the reminiscence of art Deco's pure lines harmonized with the semantics of Harry Beck's unpretentious initial diagram concept.
As a result, the final idea bears a compendium of aspects somewhat related to the original creation, but adapted to current aesthetics that reflect on the multicultural, vibrant and engaging vibe of the people who make this the inspirational city that is still today.